What to see in EGU 2014? (According to me)
The European Geosciences Union (EGU) will hold its General Assembly in Vienna from the 28th of April to the 2nd of May. Gathering more than 10 000 scientists from all over the world, the EGU is a very interesting meeting for geophysicists. Of course, the field is dominated by Earth sciences and planetology is not the biggest topic. Nevertheless, it is a good opportunity to meet people and colleagues in the beautiful city of Vienna. I've been there last year and it was pretty nice, especially because there was a specific session on polarization where I had a poster. I met very important people during the poster session so it was a memorable experience. Anyway, posters are better than orals to meet people and discuss with them. Well a fresh drink and some food can also help. This year is different as I'll have my 12 minutes in the PS2.5 session : atmospheres of terrestrial planets. The session will have talks about Venus, Mars and Titan, and I'll of course be p...