What to see in EGU 2014? (According to me)

The European Geosciences Union (EGU) will hold its General Assembly in Vienna from the 28th of April to the 2nd of May. Gathering more than 10 000 scientists from all over the world, the EGU is a very interesting meeting for geophysicists.

Of course, the field is dominated by Earth sciences and planetology is not the biggest topic. Nevertheless, it is a good opportunity to meet people and colleagues in the beautiful city of Vienna.

I've been there last year and it was pretty nice, especially because there was a specific session on polarization where I had a poster. I met very important people during the poster session so it was a memorable experience. Anyway, posters are better than orals to meet people and discuss with them. Well a fresh drink and some food can also help.

This year is different as I'll have my 12 minutes in the PS2.5 session : atmospheres of terrestrial planets. The session will have talks about Venus, Mars and Titan, and I'll of course be presenting my work on Venus. 

My programme would go like this:


Tuesday 29 April 

PS1.3: Sophie Dorizon (@SophieDorizon) will present WISDOM, a ground penetrating radar for the ExoMars mission. – 9:15, B2. Along with the whole session.

The EGU young scientists forum, to meet people and see what the EGU does for YS. – OM4, R13, 12:15-13:15

PS1.1: new missions and techniques for planetary exploration (PICO) – PICO spot 2, 13:30-15:00

PS6.1: Exoplanets – orals 15:30-17:00, R14


Wednesday 30 April

PS2.5: Atmospheres of terrestrial planets. – room Y5 in the morning, division meeting at 12:15 in Y4, and afternoon part in Y10.

The session will begin with medal lecture by Francois Forget at 10:30. Several people from LATMOS will present something here. Aurélien Stoltzenbach, Grégoire Déprez and myself will have a talk in the afternoon at 14:45, 16:00 and 15:00 respectively.

SC8: School outreach, a practical guide – G13, 17:30-19:00


Thursday 1st of May

PS5.3: Multipoint observations and modeling of the heliospheric plasma processes and their effects on the planets. 10:30-12:30, Y2.
Lucile Turc a colleague will do an oral presentation and also a poster (B1104).
Posters : blue posters, 17:30-19:00 

It will also be poster time for
  • PS2.5, where G. Deprez presents also a poster
  • PS2.4, with Cyril Szopa having a poster on new results from SAM. And 
  • PS6.1, exoplanets, all of those blue posters 17:30-19:00
SC6: How to apply to a research grant. 12:15-13:15, G13.

PS4.2: Rosetta session. Another PhD from LATMOS will have a poster (1051) in this session: Anthony Lethuillier who's working a permittivity probe on the Philae lander. And again C. Szopa. 17:30-19:00, Blue posters

And of course I'll probably have a drink and a schnitzel in Vienna with the team!

I'll be intensively tweeting the sessions I'm attending, so if you want to have (some) updates about this year's EGU GA, follow me @AstroLR !


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